HSU的海外留学项目从一整个学年到夏季的三周不等. We have study programs and partnerships in:
The London Semester takes you to London each spring semester. 出国留学 learning sets you apart from many other HSU students. 你有远见,看到一个学期的国际学习将丰富你的学术经验,你是你的本科学位的例外. The program asks from you a commitment of money and time, but I assure you the payoff will be tremendous.
London will become your classroom and home for a semester. 您将与英国和美国的教授一起学习,并将伦敦作为您的教室. You will go on many excursions in London, a number of day trips out of London, and a spring break tour of England, 苏格兰, 和威尔士. Very few other study-abroad programs provide so much.
Our goal is to choose students who have demonstrated the following characteristics: they perform well in classes; they are dependable, 合作, and considerate; they are disciplined and prompt; they are intellectually curious and flexible, 最后, they are persons of integrity.
HSU offers students a semester abroad opportunity at 萨尔斯堡大学奥地利萨尔茨堡.
Students may study during either the fall or spring term. 所有课程都以英语授课,并且很容易适用于他们的HSU学位计划. 就读浸会大学期间, students live at the International House, 哪个房间有酒店式的住宿,每个房间有两个学生,还有私人浴室设施. Meals can be taken at the university’s central dining facility, with breakfast provided at the International House. The tuition cost of attending HKBU is the same as the cost at HSU, 是什么让这个项目成为我们最实惠的海外学术学习项目.
Summer 出国留学 in 意大利 program: 我们举办了一个特别的旅行,让学生有机会获得HSU课程学分,同时前往意大利探索艺术史和文化主题, and take art courses from our HSU partner, the Santa Reparata International School of Art.